Guild Anniversary

Sue Brittingham with a trunk show and class on Cathedral Windows.
Community Service Sew-In Day
Andrea Hoke with trunk show on new vision of traditional "wedding rings" pattern.
Julie Belin with trunk show featuring quilts made using "Tuckers Tools" and class to make Autumn Leaves table runner/wall hanging using Studio 180 tools.
Brita Nelson with a trunk show and class on Disappearing Blocks
Holiday Luncheon
Brita Nelson with a trunk show and class on Disappearing Blocks
Meeting Highlights
9am - (when meeting in person)
Second Time Around sales
Community Service tables - pickup/drop off projects, etc.
Sign-up for Classes, Retreats, Bus Trips
Meet & Greet
10am - Monthly Meeting (check calendar or newsletter for location)
Business Meeting (Minutes Approval, Financial Report, Board & Committee Reports)
Show & Tell
an opportunity for members to share completed works, works in progress, ask questions or show quilting finds.
Guest Speaker (see above)